Sunday, October 4, 2009

A day in the life of a cat

Cats are not owned by their owners; cats own their owners, which is a typical day in the life of a cat. This can be demonstrated through the various ways a cat will act. The main example would be when you call a cat over to give it some attention; however, cats will rarely come to you. The only way a cat will come to you for attention is when the cat wants the attention. It is also true to say that when the cat eventually wants the attention, that is when you are usually busy doing something else. It’s comical to watch a cat act so cheeky and yet act so innocent when s/he has been caught; purring their way out of trouble, like nothing is wrong. The life of a cat might seem very boring; however, throughout their days they find things to amuse themselves.

The first two pictures below represent the typical day in Rascal’s life. This guy will find the oddest places to sleep. Most days I will come home and not be able to find him because he has decided to sleep somewhere unpredictable, such as the dresser drawer. If any drawer is left open too long, such as 10 minutes, he will think it is for him to sleep in. This is especially true is there are clothes in the drawer. The life of a cat seems so nice. As mentioned above Rascal will find the most inappropriate times to receive his attention, such as lying on the desk. By lying on the desk Rascal believes he will receive the most attention possible. Therefore, this is also a popular spot for him. To top it off Rascal’s favourite game is to play with written utensil, especially when they are being used. This is the most annoying thing he does, but for him, it’s the most entertaining game in the day in the life of a cat.

The last two photos strongly represent Rascal’s favourite things to do in a day in the life of a cat. Giving a cat a bath could be the most dangerous thing to do in your life, especially if they have all their claws. However, we have outsmarted Rascal; we put him in a tub with water already in it. This way he is unsure of what to do because he is surrounded by his enemy, the water. Once the bath is over Rascal looses ½ of his body mass. As he twitches his feet and ties to lick himself dry, the life of a cat becomes amusing to watch. The next favourite activity of Rascal’s is to go for a car ride. He doesn’t literally get car sick; however, he is unsure of what to do unless he is in his crate to stay protected. The last picture was the day Cooper had his first official car ride; therefore, we gave him the crate. This did not go over well with Rascal, and so they shared the crate for a 45 minute car ride. Rascal was probably thinking "the things I have to put of with in the life of a cat." This is when we knew that they were going to get along just fine. Finding humor in a day in the life of a cat will bring humor to your own life.

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